# sakai.properties - the demo edition # Remove the username/password boxes at the top by setting this to false top.login = false # Let the container handle logins - ie to use single sign-on. container.login = true # Force logouts via CAS also - your requirements will be different for this. # The URL below allows us to logout via CAS and then be redirected back to our Sakai server. loggedOutUrl=https://yourcasserver.yourdomain/prefix/logout?service=http://localhost:8080/portal # Version # Format: ${version.service} - Sakai ${version.sakai} - Server ${serverName} # version.service = your local name for Sakai (e.g., CTools, Oncourse, Bspace) # version.sakai = the version of Sakai you are running (e.g., 2.5.4, 2.6.0) version.service=DEMO version.sakai=2.6.0 # Links placed on the bottom nav - set the .count to the number of items, then add each item bottomnav.count=2 bottomnav.1=Gateway bottomnav.2=The Sakai Project # Powered by assertion placed at the bottom of the portal. powered.url.count=1 powered.url.1=http://sakaiproject.org powered.img.count=1 powered.img.1=/library/image/sakai_powered.gif powered.alt.count=1 powered.alt.1=Powered by Sakai # Copyright statement bottom.copyrighttext=Copyright 2003-2009 The Sakai Foundation. All rights reserved. Portions of Sakai are copyrighted by other parties as described in the Acknowledgments screen. # STEALTH TOOLS. A stealth tool is a tool that is running in Sakai, but is not available to be added to a site in Worksite Setup. # In the demo edition all tools will be visible for support easy evaluation of the software. stealthTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ActiveToolManager=sakai.mailtool,sakai.presentation,sakai.search # set the shared datasource URL to use a file based HSQLDB url@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=jdbc:hsqldb:file:${sakai.home}db/sakai.db;hsqldb.default_table_type=cached # the file system root for content hosting's external stored files (default is null, i.e. store them in the db) # see the readme file (2.2.7 File Based Content Hosting) for more details bodyPath@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService = ${sakai.home}db/bodyContent/ # when storing content hosting's body bits in files, an optional set of folders just within the bodyPath - # to act as volumes to distribute the files among - a comma separate list of folders. If left out, no volumes will be used. # see the readme file (2.2.7 File Based Content Hosting) for more details bodyVolumes@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService = vol1 # set to false to disable the release/retract and hiding of resources in ContentHostingService # if this setting is left out of sakai.properties, the availability features should be enabled # by default availabilityChecksEnabled@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService = true # set to false to disable custom sorts within folders in ContentHostingService # if this setting is left out of sakai.properties, the priority sorts should be # enabled by default prioritySortEnabled@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService = true ################################################################################################### # # examples of other driver class name values - HSQLDB is the default #driverClassName@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #driverClassName@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #driverClassName@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver # ################################################################################################### # # examples of other datasource URLs for other technologies: HSQLDB in-memory is the default, and above see how to put this in a file #url@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=jdbc:hsqldb:. #url@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sakai?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 #url@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=jdbc:oracle:thin:@monster.oracle.org:1521:db # ################################################################################################### # # example vendor settings - must match your hibernate dialect set in the "placeholder.properties" file - "hsqldb" is the default #vendor@org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService=hsqldb #vendor@org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService=mysql #vendor@org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService=oracle # ################################################################################################### # # set the validation query - the default is for hsqldb "select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS" # for MySQL and Oracle, change it to this: #validationQuery@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS # # Note: This has been shown to cause performance problems in Oracle - to leave it unset, set it to: #validationQuery@javax.sql.BaseDataSource= # ################################################################################################### # # set the default transaction isolation level - Up to and including 1.7.1, HSQLDB supports only "TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED" - this is the default # MySQL and Oracle should be set to TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED. #defaultTransactionIsolationString@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED #defaultTransactionIsolationString@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED # # Note: TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED is the default for Oracle, and performance problems have been seen when attempting to set this default. # To leave it unset, set it to: #defaultTransactionIsolationString@javax.sql.BaseDataSource= # ################################################################################################### # # Examples of interesting values to set. This is not an inclusive list, since every property can be overridden in the property files # # set the default skin #skin.default=default # # set the path to the skin repository #skin.repo=/library/skin # # maximum allowed user file upload - in megabytes. Default is 1 (megabyte). #content.upload.max=20 # ################################################################################################### # # set the hibernate dialect (for shared datasource), HSQLDB by default, mySql and Oracle examples #hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect #hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect #hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9iDialect #hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect # ################################################################################################### # # set the auto.ddl - default value is "true" #auto.ddl=true #auto.ddl=false # ################################################################################################### # Enable/disable presence display in the portal: always / never / true / false # If true or false, site presence display may be overwritten by the site property value "display-users-present" (true or false) # Default=true; display.users.present=true #enable search, set to false to disable (true is the default setting) # Disabled due to HSQLDB's inability to handle transactions search.enable=false ### Samigo samigo.answerUploadRepositoryPath=/tmp/ samigo.sizeThreshold=512 samigo.sizeMax=20480 samigo.saveMediaToDb=true # The email settings are for Samigo only. They are used because Sakai email # doesn't support Resources attachments. Samigo first looks to these settings # instead of the regular Sakai email settings. If they are not set, the # Sakai eamil settings will be used. Please note, these settings do not # override the usual Sakai settings. # # outgoing SMTP server (If not set, the Sakai smtp server setting will be used) #samigo.smtp.server= # outgoing SMTP port (If not set, the default part 25 will be used) #samigo.smtp.port= # # Temp directory for handling email attachment files. samigo.email.prefixedPath=/tmp/ # # This is for Samlite, the word-2-QTI converter (default: false) samigo.samliteEnabled=true #coursemanagement demo defaults site-manage.courseManagementSystemImplemented=true site-manage.cms.subject.label=Department site-manage.cms.subject.category=DEPT ##ROSTER CONFIG ##tthis is an option to display name in the format of firstName lastName ##by default the value is false. #roster.display.firstNameLastName=true ##This determines whether to show or hide the group filter if only one group or section is displayed in the roster. ##by default this propert is false #roster.display.hideSingleGroupFilter=true ## This determines the default sort column in the roster.The default sort column is sortName #roster.defaultSortColumn=sortName #roster.defaultSortColumn=role #roster.defaultSortColumn=email #roster.defaultSortColumn=displayId # ROLES # This defines a set of roles that can one switch between and still retain a "student view." # It is highly recommended that you DO NOT add roles to this list that are used for site adminstration. studentview.roles=Student,Teaching Assistant,access