Computer Aided Education Research Section (CAERS)

We study and develop multimedia-based education and research systems. One example is a distance education system utilizing information-communication technologies.

 Computer Aided Education GroupComputer Aided Education Group


  • Professor: Hiroshi NAKANO
  • Associate Professor Takayuki NAGAI
    • Research topics for Bachelors (2009)
    • Areas of Interest: Computer systems for education
      The time has gone when we shared scare computer resources in computer rooms or labs. Now, it is common to use personal computing devices such as laptops, mobile phones, PDAs, and so on. As a result, the demand for educational computer systems in higher education is changing rapidly; it is not sufficient just to manage computer environment in computer rooms. We need to provide a new computer system that supports a broad aspect of activities as well as learning and research activities in university. Currently, my interest is in information systems to realize advanced learning environment.
    • Current research topic : lecture capture system
      Now we are in an era when we can develop more efficient solution for teaching with computing devices and networks than the common way of teaching in university, that is, face-to-face lecture. From the view of information delivery, face-to-face lecture is an old solution invented when there was no other methods to deliver knowledge effectively. Thanks to open source movement, we can freely access key technoligies and softwares to build new education platforms. The next thing we need is content.
        In the English world, lots of contents are disseminated through network channels such as OpenCourseWare, YouTube, iTunes U, and so on. On the contrary, Japanese contents are not produced enough; one possible reason is that the number of people who use Japanese in education is small in the world and it is difficult to use the power of crowd in worldwide scale.
        To improve the situation, I have been developing computer systems that can record daily lectures to disseminate them as educational materials.