Uninstalling [Virus Buster]

The following uninstallation procedure is for Windows XP SP2 + Virus Buster 2007. Depending on the version of products that you are using, some parts of the procedure may not work. For details, please refer to the help files and user manuals for these products.

[From the support site of TREND MICRO ]
Uninstalling Virus Buster 2005
Uninstalling Virus Buster 2006
Uninstalling Virus Buster 2007

Example: Windows XP SP2 + Virus Buster 2007

1.On Windows XP desktop, click Start, Virus Buster 2007, then select Uninstall.


2.Click Next.


3.Click Delete. If you are requested to enter a password, input the password you configured in Virus Buster.


4.If the message "Files remain in the quarantine folder/spyware search backup date folder." is displayed, there are quarantined files in the quarantine folder. Click OK to delete all files in the quarantine folder.

5.The uninstallation status will be displayed.


6.Confirm that "Restart now? (Strongly recommended)" is selected, then click Finish. Once the computer restarts, uninstallation is complete. Be sure to restart your computer.