Application Form for Use of the VPN System / Guidelines for Completion

  1. Submission of the Application Form
  2. To open a new account and acquire a new ID, complete and submit an Application form for use of the VPN. To continue using an existing ID for the next year, complete a continuance application form.  If you do not intend to continue using the VPN system, to prevent confusion, please write "Stop usage" in red on the application form.

  3. Filling out the Application Form
    • Obtaining an Application Form
      Download this file if you do not have an application form.
    • Filling out user information field
      Fill in your name, title, department, and extension number. Be sure to enter the formal name of your faculty and department in the "Department" field.

      Be sure to enter the e-mail address of the person who is using the system.

    • Filling out Bearer of Expenses field
       Enter the name, title, department, and extension number of the person who will bear the fiscal expenses incurred for use. Be sure to affix their personal seal. Note that this cannot be paid from grants for scientific research.
      Please enter the e-mail address that the bearer of expenses normally uses.
      Users belonging to the Faculty of Medical Sciences or the Kumamoto University Hospital should enter the department and title of the bearer of expenses in detail for billing purposes. 
      (addition: March 26, 2007)
      Departmental reorganization makes it difficult to ascertain the bearers' positions.  
      To facilitate ease of administrative handling of fees for use, we ask those users for whom the bearer of expenses is affiliated with the School of Science and Technology or the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences to ensure that they confirm the bearer's department before returning the form.  
  4. Notice
    • Charges
       Use of the VPN system requires payment of a yearly usage fee. (This fee cannot be calculated on a per-day basis).  Additionally, this year we intend to process these fees earlier than last year.
    • Passwords
       When your registration with the center is complete, a copy of the application form will be returned to you. For new registrations, an ID, password, and information on VPN system configuration will be filled in before you receive the documents. Please take due care in the use and management of the password as it cannot be changed.
    • Changes to Information Provided
       You cannot change users when applying for a continuation of use. User change is treated as a new application and requires re-registration. In the event of a change to such items as your department or the bearer of your expenses, be sure to contact the Center office (extension 3824).